
Frequently Asked Questions

The student is required to come to the campus and discuss with the Student Support Officer to apply for leave. The student can go on Holiday during the College break. When the course is in session 鈥 students are not allowed to go on leave unless it is compassionate or compelling reason and attendance must be more than 80%. Please ask the student to refer to our Attendance Policy and Procedure and Leave Policy and Procedure available under the downloads section on our website.

As discussed during the orientation, student must only buy their tickets once they have spoken to the student support team and approved the leave. Unfortunately, when the attendance is poor and not satisfactory we won鈥檛 be able to grant the leave request. They may cancel or suspend their course and re-enrol them once they return. There will be no valid CoE. Please ask the student to refer to our Attendance Policy and Procedure and Leave Policy and Procedure available under the downloads section on our website.

If the student misses 3 consecutive classes, the student will be contacted, 麻豆社 strictly follows the attendance policy and if the attendance falls below the required 80% in a study period, student could be reported to the Department of Home Affairs. (DHA)

No, the student is not allowed to leave the class early and come in late unless it is compassionate or compelling reason. Every hour missed/attended will be counted in calculating students attendance.

No, the student may only request a holiday letter once the course already commenced. We get requests from numerous students requesting for Holiday Letters (letters which states that the students have a break from school..)

Students are required to contact at the reception to request the holiday letter. To process the holiday letter, it takes around 2-3 working days as we are required to check the course progress, attendance and fees.

If your planned holiday falls between the College holidays and the College resume days, you will not have to approve the leave. However, informing the college that you are leaving the country for a certain period is required. You can do that via email.

Student can book at the reception for first aid and manual handling.

It is not possible due to the extent of the class schedule for first aid.

Yes, students must fill the 鈥淒etails Update Form鈥 and submit evidence of the same.

Students are required to contact their respective OSHC. (Overseas Students Health Cover).

Yes, however the student must email through the name of the person who is going to collect their Certificate. The nominated person must present a Photo ID Card in order to verify their identity.

We hold them annually, and students shall be advised of the date at least one month before.

The college only provides Enrolment letter which is required to be submitted to the DHA while applying for the visa. We do not provide specific letters.

There is a reprint fee of $50 and ask the student to send an email to info@queensford.edu.au along with payment receipt. Once this email is received, forward it to Data Team and accounts team for verification. It may take upto 10 business days.

The student can either fill the form online or can come to the college and fill the form. It is also a student visa requirement that the students must inform the college within 7 days of any change in contact details.

We encourage students to stick to the timetable and complete the course within the allocated scheduled duration. Extensions are given only on a case to case basis. The student is required to contact the Student Support Officer for any extension.

Direct the student to contact the IT Support Team.

Student can visit the USI website and apply for USI.

Student is required to contact at reception for the completion letter.

Yes, the student must also visit the Doctor and receive a medical certificate. Please note the student will still be termed absent and it must be noted that the students attendance will decrease for any absences in a study period.

Student is required to contact the trainer for any re-submissions.

Student can inform the trainer and Student Support Officer to apply for the sick leave. Please note the student will still be termed absent and it must be noted that the students attendance will decrease for any absences in a study period.

The student will still be termed absent and it must be noted that the students attendance will decrease for any absences in a study period. Students must ensure their overall attendance % in a study period doesn鈥檛 fall below 80%.

Student needs to contact the Student Support Officer for any changes. However, as there is different timetables and study plans for each class, students generally cannot change schedules or classes.

This happens in the case of Commercial cookery students, the reason the trainer didn鈥檛 allow is because the trainer has a scheduled start time of the class and has a lot of training to do to the student in the given timeframe, if students start coming late the flow of the class will be interrupted. We do understand that sometimes students are late due to issues with the public transport or traffic conditions, but that should be planned early and the students are expected to be in the Class, fully changed and ready for the practical by the time given by the trainer.

If a student is applying to transfer to another provider, advise them to fill out Enrolment Variation form and provide a copy of the Letter of Offer from another provider and the processing time will be 20 business days for the College to reply back with an outcome. Please ask student to go through the Transfer Between Providers Policy and Procedure (available on our website) before they fill the enrolment form and submit it to us.

It depends on the availability (seats, course) at the other campus.

It is possible to change courses, however students must present valid reasons before requesting for any changes. We do not encourage students changing courses during the first year of their studies.

If student meets all the course requirements early, students can finish early.

The student can defer the course depending on the circumstances, if it is a compassionate or compelling reason we may be able to grant the deferral request.

Unfortunately, studying another course is not a compassionate or compelling reason. The student may finish her course early if they want to study the bridging course and transfer to the another provider but they will need to provide a valid CoE or Letter of Offer with a valid CRICOS code.

As the visa was granted and linked to Advanced Diploma level, the student must maintain Advanced Diploma Level of study or higher as per the visa requirements. The student is not allowed to enrol in a lower qualification without being packaged with at least an Advanced Diploma level course. It will be a breach of a student visa condition.

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